- "Metaphors in Grimms' Fairy Tales", Keiso-shobo, Aug.2016.
The page of this book in HP of Keiso-shobo
The book review about this book by Taniguchi (In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (20)) - "Let's Enjoy Academic Theses", Mukogawa-Woman-Uni, Mar.2012.
The book review about this book by Taniguchi (In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (15)) - "Grimms' Fairy Tales and Witches: Historical Aspects of Witch-Hunting and Gender", Keiso-shobo, Feb.2002.
The page of this book in HP of Keiso-shobo
The book review about this book by Uesugi (In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (5)) - "Grimms' Fairy Tales: Their Dreams and Realities", Keiso-shobo, 1994.
The page of this book in HP of Keiso-shobo
- Elucidating the world history of gender from the viewpoint of "Human", All 3 volumes, Osaka-Shuppan. Writing part: Building images of “girls” and “boys” - Grimms' Fairy Tales (Volume 1, Chapter 1)
- "Little Red Riding Hood" on YouTube. In: Yochiko noguchi(ed.), "German folk tales by the Brothers Grimm in media and dialogues - transformations and applications -", Japanese Society for German Studies, Oct.2022. Download
- Japanese Visitors to Jacob Grimm in Berlin in 1862. In: Hisako Ohno (ed.), "Grimms' Fairy Tales as Cultural Phenomena", bensei-shuppan, Jul.2017. Download
- The Translations and Reception of Grimms' Fairy Tales on the Meiji Era in Japan. In: Hisako Ohno (ed.), "A Door to the World of the Brothers Grimm", bensei-shuppan, May.2015.
- About the Number "Seven" in the Fairy Tales of the Brothers Grimm. In: Yuichi Mizoi (ed.), "Grimms' and Folkrore: A Horizon from Ost- and Westfolktales' Reseach", Aso-shuppan, Jul.2013.
- 'Christmas Tree' as a Symbol of Patriarchy in the Modern Family. In: Kimio Ito (ed.), "Beyond the Hyper-Declining-Birthrate and Hyper-Aging Society - Gender Politics and Family / Society / Culture in Japan, Germany and Italy", Akashi-shoten, Aug.2009. ISBN:978-4-7503-3043-3.
- "Let's Study German with Witches". Mariko Koyama. et al., Sanshu-sha, 2008.
- "A Study of Grimms' Fairy Tale: Various Approaches". Yukinobu Umenai (ed.), Japan Society for German Literature, 2007.
- Grimms' Fairy Tales in Japan which was retranslated from English. In: Michiaki Kawato, et al. (ed.), "The Comprehensive List of Children Literature translated into Japanese", Nada shuppan Center/ Daikuh-sha, May.2005.
- Grimms' Fairy Tales and Witches. Narrators of Grimms' Fairy Tales. In: Koji Inada (ed.), "Handbook of World Fairy Tales, Sanseido, 2004.
- Das veraenderte japanische Schneewittchen. In: Dass gepfleget werde der feste Buchstab: Festschrift fuer Heinz Roelleke zum 65. Geburtstag, Hrsg.v.L.Bluhm u. A.Haelter, Trier (WVT) 2001.
- Victims of Witch-Hunting. In: Setsuko Kawai, et al. (ed.), "History Records of German Women", Sanshu-sha, 2001.
- The Changed Snow White in Japan. In: Michiaki Kawato, et al. (ed.), "Bibliography of Japanese Translations of Grimms' Fairy Tales, Nada shuppan Center, 2000.
- A national system and a reception of diffrent cultures. In: Japan Society for Gender Studies (ed.), "For person who study gender", sekai shiso sha, 2000.
- German Family: I Will or I Will Not Marrage. In: Atsuko Fujitani and kimio ito (ed.), "100 Books, can Change Women and Men", kamogawa-shuppan, 1997.
- The Reception of Grimms' Fairy Tales in Japan. In: International Institute for Children's Literature (ed.), "Lexicon of Children's Literature in Japan". Vol. 2, Dai-nippon-tosho, 1993.
- About the First Japanese Translation of the Grimms' Fairy Tales, "Seiyou koji shinsen sowa". In: Japan Society for Children's Literature (ed.), "A Study of Grimms' Fairy Tales", Dai-nippon-tosho, 1989.
- The Brothers Grimm. In: Lexicon of World History Vol. 6, kyoiku shuppan center, 1985.
- Ueber den Unterschied zwischen Volks- und Kunstmaerchen bei den Bruedern Grimm. In: Europaeische Ethnologie in der beruflichen Praxis, Bon (Habelt), 1983.
- Die erste Japanische Uebersetzung Grimmscher Maerchen und ihr geschichtlicher Hintergrund. In:Brueder Grimm Gedenken, Bd.3, Marburg/L (Elwert), 1981.
translation [multiple]
- Ingrid Ahrendt=Schulte, "Women treated as Witches", Mariko Koyama (transl.), Keiso-shobo, 2003.
The page of this book in HP of Keiso-shobo
The book review about this book by Hashimoto (In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (6))
Book reviews
- Hideko TANIGUCHI. Yoshiko NOGUCHI, Metaphern in den Marchen der Bruder Grimm. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (20). 2017, 81-82. Download
- Hideko TANIGUCHI. Yoshiko NOGUCHI, Let's Enjoy Academic Theses. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (15). 2012, 137-138. Download
- Ikuko HASHIMOTO. Ingrid Ahrendt=Schulte. Yoshiko NOGUCHI and Mariko KOYAMA (joint transl.). Women treated as Witches. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (6). 2003, 59-60. Download
- Takamichi UESUGI. Yoshiko NOGUCHI, Grimms' Fairy Tales and Witches: Historical Aspects of Witch-Hunting and Gender. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (5). 2002, 73-74. Download
[Articles (single)]
Some articles can be seen in CiNii
- The Reception of Cinderella(Aschenputtel) in Japan: Focusing on the Taisho Era. In: The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Humanities (76), 2024, 227-257. → Download
- Food and Drink in Grimm's Fairy Tales. In: Falktales: Studies and Materials(51), Mar 2024, 97-112.→ Download
- Grimm's fairy tales from the children's magazine "Akai Tori"(2). In: The Baika Journal of Children's Literature (31), 2024, 11-13. → Download
- The Reception of Cinderella(Aschenputtel) in Japan: Focusing on the Meiji Era. In: The scientific reports of Kyoto Prefectural University. Humanities (75), 2024, 175-201. → Download
- Jacob Grimm and Japan. In: Folktales: Studies and Materials (50), 2023, 15-33. → Download
- Grimm's fairy tales from the children's magazine "Akai Tori". In: The Baika Journal of Children's Literature (30), 2022, 11-25. Download(Baika Women's University)
- Grimms' Fairy Tales in German Educations: A Study of German Textbooks from 1827 to 1912. In: Baika Women's University Faculty of Psychology and Children's Studies bulletin (12), 2022, 1-15. Download(Baika Women's University)
- Translations of Rumpelstiltschen the Meiji and Taisho Eras of Japan. In: The Baika Journal of Children's Literature (29), 2022, 19-33. Download(Baika Women's University)
- Recetion of Grimm"s Fairy Tales in Japan: A Study of German Textbooks from the Meiji and Taisho Eras. In: Baika Women's University Faculty of Psychology and Children's Studies bulletin (11), 2021, 10-21. Download(Baika Women's University)
- Snakes in the Fairy Tales and German Legends of the Brothers Grimm. In: The Baika Journal of Children's Literature (28), 2021, 43-61.
- Reception of Little Red Riding Hood in Japan: Focusing on the Heisei Era. In: Baika Women's University Faculty of Psychology and Children's Studies bulletin (10), 2020, 1-12. Download(Baika Women's University)
- Die Japanischen Besucher bei Jacob Grimm 1862 in Berlin. In: Jahrbuch der Brueder Grimm-Gesellschaft 2009-2020. XIX-XX, Kassel 2019, 146-162. Download
- The Reception of Little Red Riding Hood in Japan: Focusing on the Showa Era (1926-1988). In: The Baika Journal of Children's Literature (27), 2019, 86-103.
- Reception of "Little Red Riding Hood" in Japan: Focusing on the Meiji and Taisho Eras. In: Folktales: Studies and Materials (47), 2019, 79-93. Download
- "Rotkaeppchen in Japan: Aka Eri Musume, Brueder Grimm-Journal, Heft10, Fruehjar 2019, Kassel 2019, 22-23. Download
- The Reception of 'Little Red Riding Hood' during the Meiji Era in Japan: Focusing on the First Translation and the Translator. In: The Baika Journal of Children's Literature (26), 2018, 94-110.
- Japanese Visitors to Jacob Grimm in Berlin 1862. In: Falktales: Studies and Materials(44), Mar 2016, 103-117.
- Grimms' Fariy Tales in Romaji Alphabet: The Translation in the Romaji Zasshi and Their Translators. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY (63), Mar.2015, 1-12. Download
- Influences of Victorian Values on Japanese Versions of Grimms' Fairy Tales, "Fabula" Bd.56, Heft1/2 2015, 67-78. Download
- Images of Father and Mother in "the German Legends" of the Brothers Grimm. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (17), Aug.2014, 13-24. Download
- A Subversive View of Conventional Idea About 'Snow White' :A Study of Grimms' Fairy Tales from the Perspective of Gender Studies. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (15), Sep.2012, 27-41. Download
- Die Zahl "Sieben" in den Grimmschen Maerchen: Ueber das Vorkommen der unglucklichen Sieben. In: Forschungsberichte zur Germanistik (53), Dec.2011, 7-29.
- A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Cinderella': A Study of Grimms' Fairy Tales from the Perspective of Gender Studies. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY. Humanities and Social Science (58), Mar.2010, 1-11. Download
- Japanese Translation of Grimms' Fairy Tales Influenced by English Translations Focusing on Early Translations and English Textbooks in the Meiji Era. In: Falktales: Studies and Materials, (38), Mar.2010, 22-35.
- Provokative Ansichten zu konventionellen Vorstellungen ueber das Maerchen Dornroeschen. In: Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik: Erforschung der Grimmschen Maerchen (50), Oct.2007, 28-38.
- Hexenbilder in der Volksliteratur: Am Beispiel der "Kinder und Hausmaerchen" und der "Deutschen Sagen" der Brueder Grimm. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (ed.), "Journal of Gender Studies Japan" (8), Sep.2005, 1-12. Download(J-STAGE)
- Victim of Witch-Hunting. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (ed.), "Journal of Gender Studies Japan" (2), 1999, 1-15. Download(J-STAGE)
- A Study of Witches. In: Eureka. (Apr. issue), 1999, 136-143.
- Hexe und Stiefmutter: Extrembeispiele des Boesen in den Grimmschen Maerchen. In: Journal of Women's Studies Association of Mukogawa Women's University (2), 1997, 17-32.
- Grimms' Fairy Tales and Witches: From the Perspective of Witch-Hunting. In: The Bulletin of KWANSEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY (36), 1996, 91-104.
- Grimmsche Maerchen und das Patriarchat der Meiji-Zeit. In: Journal of Women's Studies Association of Mukogawa Women's University (1), 1996, 21-30.
- Happy Endig in the World of Fairy Tales. In: Femina (10), 1996, 16-20.
- Das Frauenbild im Maerchen der Brueder Grimm. In: Protokoll Nr.13. Hrsg. v. Goethe-Institut Kansai in Zusammenarbeit mit japanischen Germanisten und deutschen Germanisten in Japan, 1996.
- A Christmas Tree as a Symbol of the Patriarcy. In: Mukogawa Literary Review (31), 1996, 95-100.
- Das Frauen- und Maennerbild in den Grimmschen Maerchen. In: A Study of the Brothers Grimm (3), 1994, 3-15.
- Die Varianten von Dornroeschen der Brueder Grimm: Eine Vergleich mit den von Rerrault und Basile. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY (41), 1994, 25-32. Download(MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY's Repository)
- Das Frauenbild im Maerchen der Brueder Grimm. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY (39), 1992, 9-16. Download(MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY's Repository)
- Maerchen-Debatte zwischen Grimm und Arnim. In: Die Deutsche Lietratur (86), 1991, 85-95. Download(J-STAGE)
- Die Stiefmutter in den Grimmschen Maerchen. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY (36), 1989, 29-38.
- Der Froschkonig im Maerchen der Brueder Grimm. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY (34), Mar.1987, 85-91.
- Die Vorstellung der Volkspoesie bei den Bruedern Grimm. In: The Bulletin of MUKOGAWA WOMEN'S UNIVERSITY (31), Jan.1984, 51-60.
- Volksmaerchen und Kunstmaerchen. In: Die Deutsche Lietratur (67), 1981, 83 -92. Download(J-STAGE)
- Die erste japanische Uebersetzung Grimmscher Maerchen und ihr Uebersetzer, Ryoho Suga: Eine Betrachtung vor dem geschichtliche Hinrergrund. In: Forschungsberichte zur Germanistik (21), Dec.1979, 1-19.
- Rezeption der Kinder- und Hausmaerchen der Brueder Grimm in Japan. Diss. Marburg 1977.
- Eine neue Richtung der Maerchenforschung. In: The Bulletin of KWANSEI GAKUIN UNIVERSITY (18), 1977, 1-20.
- Der wahre Wert des Maerchens. Master's Thesis, 1974 (Master of german literature at Kwansei Gakuin University)
- Kindsmoerderinnen im 19. Jahrhundert in Deutschland. In: Japan Society for Gender Studies (21), 2018, 1-7. Download
- Ueber das Wesen des Maerchens. In: KG Germanistik: Jahresbericht des germanistischen Seminars der Kwanseigakuin-Universitaet, (6+7), 2003, 51-78.
[Oral presentations]
Presentations at academic foreign societies
- Fear of Snakes in the Fairy Tales and Legends of the Brothers Grimm Compare with the Japanese Fairy Tales. The 18th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research (ISFNR) online congress in virtual. Zagreb: 5-8 Sep.2021.
- The Reception of Little Red Riding Hood in Japan. The 17th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 14.Jun.2018.
- Influences of the Victorian Values Embedded in English Translations of Grimms' Fairy Tales upon Japanese Versions: The 16th Congress of the International Society for Folk Narrative Research. 29.Jun.2013. Omitted below
Presentations at academic societies in Japan
- The Reception of Cinderella(Aschenputtel) in Japan: Focusing on the Taisho Era. Grimm and Folklore Study Croup, Oct.2024.>
- About Food and drink in Grimm's Fairy Tales. An academic meeting of the Japan Society for Folktale Studies, Jul.2023.
- "The Red Riding Hood" accepted on YouTube. An academic meeting of Japan Society for Gender Studies, Oct.2021.
- Images of Father and Mother in the Fairy Tales and German Legends of the Brothers Grimm. An academic meeting of Japan Society for Gender Studies, Sep.2013.
- Images ot Father and Mother in Grimms' Fairy Tales. A autumn meeting of Japan Society for German Literture, Sep.2013.
- Grimms' Fairy Tales and Gender: Politics of Masculinity and Friendship in the Late Victorian England (KAKEN, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B): 21320057), Jun.2012.
- A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About the Numbers Seven and Thirteen: Focusing on the Nunbers Seven and Thirteen in the Grimms' Fairy Tales. Kansai, Japan Society for German Literture, Dec.2010.
- A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Sleeping Beauty': from the Perspective of Gender Studies. Autumn meeting of Japan Society for German Literture, Oct.2006.
- Images of Witches in the Folklore: Focusing on the Grimms' Fairy Tales and German Legends. An academic meeting of Japan Society for Gender Studies, Sep.2004. Omitted below
Guest Speaker at academic societies
- Zahl "Sieben" in den Grimmschen Maerchen: Ueber das Vorkommen der unglucklichen Sieben.: Tagung der Brueder Grimm Gesellschaft in Kassel, 7.Sep.2012.
- Rezeption der Grimmschen Maerchen in der Meiji-Zeit in Japan: Tagung der Brueder Grimm Gesellschaft in Kassel, Sep.1999.
In Japan
- Jacob Grimm and Japan. An academic meeting of the Japan Society for Folktale Studies, Jul.2022.
- Witches in Grimms' Fairy Tales. An academic meeting of the Japan Society of Folk-Literature and Traditions by setsuwa-denshou, 12.Nov.2016.
- Grimms' Fairy Talse: A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Cinderella'. An academic meeting of the Western Japan of the Japan Society for Children's Literature in English, Jan.2010.
- Influences of Victorian Values on Japanese Versions of Grimms' Fairy Tale: Forcusing on the First Japanese Translation and the English Readers. An academic meeting of the Japan Society for Folktale Studies, Jul.2009.
- The museum "The House of Romantic" in Marburg, Germany. 30.Aug.2019 (Fri.)
Subject Japanese Visitors to Jacob Grimm in Berlin 1862. (in German)
In Japan
- Osaka Sonezaki Rotary Club 14.Dec.2021 (Wed.)
Subject Mysteries of Cinderella - Kakogawa City Central Library. 5.Dec.2021 (Sun.)
Subject Mysteries of Grimms' Fairy Tales - Commemorative Lecture for the 50th Anniversary of the Kagoshima Japan-Germany Society. 25.Apr.2021 (Sut.)
Subject Japanese Visitors to Jacob Grimm in Berlin in 1862: Who connects Kagoshima and the Brothers Grimm - Himeji City Museum of Literature. 14.Dec.2019 (Sat.)
Subject Secrets hidden in Grimms' Fairy Tales: Focusing on Snow White and Cinderella - The Senriyama/Saidera Library in Suita-City, Osaka. 26.Feb.2019 (Tue.)
Subject A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Cinderella' - The opening ceremony of the Gender Equality Center of Ashiya City "WITH-US Ashiya". 19.Jan.2019 (Sat.)
Subject Tough Cinderellas: A Glass Slipper or a Golden Slipper - The Senriyama/Saidera Library in Suita-City, Osaka. 15.Jan.2019 (Tue.)
Subject A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Sleeping Beauty' - The Senriyama/Saidera Library in Suita-City, Osaka. 18.Dec.2018 (Tue.)
Subject A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Snow White' - The Library of Nagaoka City. 9.Nov.2018 (Fri.)
Subject A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About 'Snow White' - The Research Project in 2017 "Historical Development of "Myth" in Modern and Contemporary and Its Modern Significance": Research Center for Promoting Intercultural Studies, Kobe University. 16.Feb.2018
Subject The modernization and medievalization of Fairy Tales: The Grimm Brothers' Gender Sociology Confronting "Myth" - A Public Mini-symposium of Kyoto Prefectural University. 30.Oct.2017 (Mon.)
Subject Weber-Kellermann's Academic World: Social, Folk and Gender - Commemorative events of the 70th anniversary of Otemae Educational Corporation and the 50th Anniversary of Otemae University. 14.Oct.2017 (Sat.)
Subject Metaphers in Grimms' Fairy Tales: What are Secrets which are hidden in the European Fairy Tales? - Sponsorship: The Circle for Children's Reading of Osaka, Osaka Prefectural Central Library. EndorsementThe Board of Education of Osaka. 12.Sep.2017 (Tue.)
Subject Little Red Riding Hood: From a European Fairy Tale to a Japanese Picture Book - Nigawadai Club. 28.Jan.2017 (Sat.)
Subject Metaphers in Grimms' Fairy Tales :A Subversive View of Conventional Idea - The Course of the library of Kawachi Nagano City. 1.Jan.2017 (Sat.)
Subject A Subversive View of Conventional Ideas About Grimms' Fairy Tales - The Course of the Project of Itami City by at Itami City Community Center. 15.Mai.2013 (Wed.), 22.Mai (Wed.), 29.Mai (Wed.)
Subject Secrets of the Grimm' Fairy Tales for Two Hundreds Years - A Course by the Gender Equality Promotion Center of Neyagawa City "FLAT NEYAGWA". 26.Jan.2013 (Sat.)
Subject Witches in the Grimms' Fairy Tales and Witches of Witch-Hunting. - The Study Circle of Women's Studies of Mukogawa Women's University. 'The Symposium of the 200th Anniversary of Grimms' Fairya Tales'. (KAKENHI). 28.Oct.2012 (Sun.)
Subject A Image of Family in a Grimms' Fairy Tale'Snow White'. - The International Symposium of the 125th Anniversary of the Foundation of Toyo University, 'The Course for 200 years of Grimms' Fairy Tales'. 20.Oct.2012 (Sat.)
Subject The Reception and the Translations of the Grimms' Fairy Tales in the Meiji: Focusing on the Retranslation from Early English Translations.
Omitted below
Media publications and other
[Courses of culture centers]
- The Nishimiya Gerden's Class of NHK Culture Center. Apr-Jul.2018. Once a month, Saturday.
Course's titel Let's enjoy the Grimms' Fairy Tales: A New View by Deciphering Metaphers. - The Ashiya Class of Asahi Culture Center. 3.Mar.2018 (Sat.)
Course's titel Little Red Riding Hood: From a European Fairy Tale to a Japanese Picture Book - The Kawanishi Class of Asahi Culture Center. Jan.-Mar.2018. Once a month, Monday.j
Course's titel Secrets hidden in the Grimms' Fairy Tales: A Subversive View of Conventional Idea - The Sannomiya Class of Kobe Shinbun Bunka Center. Apr.2013-Mar.2016. Once a month, Monday.
Course's titel Considering Medieval Europe through Grimms' Fairy Tales.
Omitted below
[Appearing on TV]
- About a Cruelty in Fairy Tales: 'Snow White' and 'The Three Little Pigs'. Mainichi Broadcasting System (Kansai MBS). TV program, 'Something, which We Want to Include in Textbook', 19:00-21:00, 27,Jan.2011.
- About a Program of Rewriting 'Snow White'. Bloomberg Television (Tokyo). The news program, the news program 'Talk Corner', broadcasted by the digital broadcasting satellite, 'Perfec TV'.
8th 16:24~29, 17:24~29, 20:24~29, 23:24~29
9th 0:24~29, 6:24~29, 9:24~29 Total seven times, 8-9.Dec.1997.
@Broadcasted by ASAHI Newstar of communications satellite. 23:24~29 (one time), 8.Dec.1997.
[Appearing on radios]
- The Snow White's Stepmother. Nagoya. ZIP FM MORNI NG BUSS, 9:10~9:20, 27.Nov.1997.
- About a Grimms' Fairy Tale, 'Snow White'. RADIO Kansai. Kobe, Sannomiya. Kobe Harborland Studio. 'Danroku Tsuyuno's avenue of news', 17:10~17:35, 29.Oct.1997.
- About Grimms' Fairy Tales. RADIO Kansai. Kobe, Sannomiya. Satellite Studio. 'Satesuta Boogie Woogie', Saturday, 12:40~13:00, 7.Nov.1993.
[Contribution to newspapers and magazines]
- "Happy ending, beyond" The Asahi Shimbun(Newspaper) On page 2 of the Saturday edition Be In the column of "Now, we want to read overseas fairy tales again, which opened the door to another world" (5th, June. 2021) You can read the article.
- "Folklores will be Disappearing from Libraries!? A Story of "Beauty and The Beast"as Discriminative!? How can all the Fairy Tales Survive in this World with Asking too much Political Correctness". The magazine "Cyzo" (July.2019). You can access to the article. You can read to the first half of the article there. The latter part can be read for 100 yen on the official website of the magazine "Cyzo".
- Women treated as Witches. In: The book review columm of Tokyo Shimbun. I contributed a comment for the page of the book review columm as the translator. 11.Sep.2003
- A World of Fairy Tales. In: The colum page "Shizuku" on the evening edition of Yomiuri Shimbun. Serialized seven times, 27.Jun.1997-8.Aug. Omitted below
[Essays, other]
- Hospitality of the German people. In: Gesellschaft zur Forderung der Germanistik in Japan e.V.(ed.), Hirono (62), 2022, 14-15.
- A Grimms' Fairy Tale for Adults: The Girl Who Lost Her Arms. About the Cinematization of a Grimms' Fairy Tale No.31, the Girl Who Lost Her Arms. A movie brocher. NEWDEER (ed.), a Grimms' Fairy Tale for Adults - the Girl Who Lost Her Arms. NEWDEER, 2018, a page of review/comment.
- A eulogy to Ms. Ingrid Ahrendt=Schulte. In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (9). 2006, 81-82. Download
- Upon holding the 8th academic meeting of Japan Society for Gender Studies, "Witches and Gender". In: Japan Society of Gender Studies (8). 2005, 63-65. Download
- Upon holding the academic meeting of Japan Society for Gender Studies, "Witches and Gender". In: Kansai, Japan Society for German Literture (ed.), "Discussion About German Literture" (46), 2004.
- Villains in the Grimms' Fairy Tale: Witches and Stepmothers. In: Picture books (new edition) of selected from Grimms' Fairy Tales, the Mainichi Newspapers, 2001.
- Grimms' Fairy Tales changed Japanese style. In: Japanese Version of National Geographic (Dec. issue), 1999.
- Mysteries of World for the Cats by the Cats of the Cats. (Book Review) In: Akif Pirincci, "Felidae II aka Felidae on the Road" (Japanese: Nekotachi no mori) , Kayoko Ikeda (transl.), Hayakawa-shobo, 1995. Basic German, No.5, Sanshu-sha, 1999.
- Postmodern Couples. In: A quarterly journal Agama (145), Agonshu-shuppansha, 1998.
- Women in Grimms' Fairy Tales. In: Consumers co-operative Kobe (ed.), "CULTURE" (Jun. issue), 1996.
- A Dormitory in Germany. In: The department of Children's Literature of Beika Women's University (ed.), "Kamihikoki (a paper plane)", No.14, 1996.
- The Grimms' Fairy Tales: A way of life of women that can be seen from the story. In: Human Rights Promotion Division of Izumisano city (ed.), "A Cartulary of the year", 1995.
- The Brothers Grimm and Japan. In: The Kurohime Fairy Tale Museum in Shinanomachi (ed.), "The Fairy Tale Forest Communication", No.8, 1995.
- The Grimms' Fairy Tales and the State of Hessen. In: Basic German (Nov. issue), Sanshu-sha, 1984. Omitted below