Yoshiko Noguchi(former name: Hiiragi)

E-mail noguchiy@mukogawa-u.ac.jp
My specialty is interdisciplinary research in European Ethnology, especially German folk literature focusing on Grimm's Fairy Tales from various perspectives such as folklore, sociology, literature, history, law, and gender studies. I have published many papers and books from the perspective of gender studies. I love to give lectures about my research. So I enjoy both research and education. I am cheerful Grimm researcher, who is willing to accept request for lectures both in Japanese and in German.
[Work Experience]
April 1983 - March 2016 |
Professor at MUKOGAWA Women’s University in the faculty of letters, Hyogo, Japan |
April 2017 - March 2022 |
Professor at BAIKA Women’s University in the Graduate School of letters, Osaka, Japan |
[Academic History]
Mar. 1972 |
Bachelor of German literature at Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka |
Mar. 1974 |
Master of German literature at Kwansei Gakuin University, Osaka |
Dec. 1977 |
Ph.D. in European Ethnology at Marburg University in Germany(As a scholar of Rotary International Foundation) |
German Literature / Children's Literature
- Japan Society for German Literture (Japanische Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik) - Member(Apr.1974 - Present)
- Kansai, Japan Society for German Literture - Member(Apr.1974 - Present)
- Japan Society for Children's Literature - Member(Sep.2018 - Present)
The Brothers Grimm / Grimm's Fairy Tales
- Japan Society for Grimm - Proposer (May.1989 - Present)
- Brueder Grimm Gesellschaft, Kassel - Member (Aug.1992- Present), Academic Advisor (Wissenschaftlicher Rat) (2012 - Present)
- The Study Circle of Grimm and German Folktales - Chairperson (Apr.1994 - Present)
Folktale / Folklore / Oral Literature
- Executive member of Japan Society for Folktale Studies (1991 - Present)
- International Society for Folk Narrative Research - Member (Aug.2012 - Present)
Women's Studies / Gender Studies
- 2017 - 2019: president of Japan Society for Gender Studies
2020 - Present: executive member
- 1999 - 2018 Representative: The Study Circle of Women's Studies of Mukogawa Women's University
- The Women's Studies Association of Japan - Member(Apr.1998 - Present)
- Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: judge of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Nov.2013 - Mar.2015)
[Awards & Honors]
Oct.2014 |
Commended as an excellent Judge according to grants-in-aid for scientific research-screening. Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences |
Research Projects
- Series of studies of Japan Society for German Literture No.102 / Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik Nr.102 "Images of Father and Mother in the Fairy Tales and German Legend of the Brothers Grimm"(Oct.2014.): Academic series published with the support of Japan Society for German Literture.
- Gender in German folk literature focusing on Grimm's Fairy Tales. Japan Society for the Promotion of Science: Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research(Apr.2012 - Mar.2015)
- "Let's enjoy academic theses". Mukogawa-Woman-Uni: by publishing support system(Apr.2011 - Mar.2012)
- Witches and Gender. The Japan Foundaiton Arts and Cultural Exchange(Sep.2004 - Sep.2005)
- Series of studies of Japan Society for German Literture No.050 / Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik Nr.050 "Research into the Grimm’s Fairy Tales- Different Approaches"(7.Oct.2007): Academic series published with the support of Japan Society for German Literture.
- Series of studies of Japan Society for German Literture No.151 / Studienreihe der Japanischen Gesellschaft fuer Germanistik Nr.151 "German folk tales by the Brothers Grimm in media and dialogues - transformations and applications -"(12th Oct, 2022): Academic series published with the support of Japan Society for German Literture.